Sep. 12.

The Anticipated Decision

For two years, I was on a targeted therapy drug, and it did its job. My blood values were beautiful and stable. But while it kept the cancer in check, my doctor wasn’t happy with the thought of my staying on medication for the rest of my life. So toward the end of last year we made the decision that come January 2019 I would stop taking the medication and we would see how I did.

Apparently because I can never do anything the easy way, come the beginning of January, I contracted scarlet fever and wound up in the hospital — the same week I was to see the doctor and come off the medication. Well, with the particular medication I was on, the first thing that happens when you get sick, is you stop taking the mediciation. But I was going to stop the medication anyway, so no biggie right? I just had to do it with a little dramatic flair (which I could have done without).

Come May, my values had already creeped outside the normal range. So we went into “watchful waiting” mode. No need to take action, but close monitoring was required. In July my white counts had jumped up, but were still just under where we needed to take action. Between the July appointment and now, I knew my values were going further and further out of whack. Primarily because my fatigue levels have significantly increased.

I had an appointment with the oncologist this week and sure enough, it’s time to take action. The decision was to try another protocol than the targeted therapy drug, as the doctor was not happy that the “remission” only lasted a brief 5 months. She would like to try something to hopefully give me years in remission rather than months.

I still don’t know exactly what the protocol will be, but I do know it will involve full-blown infusion chemo drips. While NO ONE gets excited about having to go through this process, I am focused on the trade-off. Six months (most likely) of treatments now, so I can have some chemo-free years. The treatments will probably start in the next week or two, so I thought I’d dust off my site so I can post updates as to how things are going.

Like last time, I’m sure there will be decent days, and dreadful days, but I am going to get through it all in the best way possible.

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